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Born in New Zealand, Adriana Guyton has lived in the UK, France, and Australia, but she promises the move back to her home country in 2018 is her last! Mind you, this is the person who confidently claimed the Kapiti Coast north of Wellington, NZ was her “forever home” and it was, for four years, before recently moving to a beautiful location near her origin in the South Island. Some people just have a passion to explore life and make the most of every minute!!


For as long as she can remember, Adriana has dreamed of becoming an author, but circumstances led her into the legal profession where, as a paralegal in a busy Criminal and Family Law practice, Adriana witnessed the intrigue of the profession, people’s stories, and the highs and lows of what human beings are capable of.


When time permitted, she persisted with studying writing as an extramural university student, but it would take several decades before her passion to write overcame the pressures of everyday life and turned dreams into actions.


“Everyday life” included meeting and marrying her British husband, the birth of her only son, multiple international moves, and a major shift in career from law to study horticulture and garden design, before Adriana and her husband opted out of the rat race to live in France for a year. During that time she won a place at a Writer’s Workshop in Ireland which led to being mentored by acclaimed author and journalist, Shelley Weiner from the Gold Dust Organisation (UK). Shelley was an amazing coach, sharing her knowledge and dispensing tough love when required, transforming Adriana’s desire to write into the ability to write.


Upon her return to Australia, Adriana completed her debut novel “Consequences” published in 2015, the first book in the Julia Trilogy. Since then, she has completed the series with “The Music Teacher”, and “The Brothers” and explored exciting new topics in her latest Chelsea Collection, “Almost 40” and “Forgive Me” with the next book “Life In Bloom” due to be released in 2025. 


Adriana writes about the human condition and, when her husband asks ‘but what does that mean?’ she would say it’s about being knocked down but having the courage to get up and win. It’s about the pain and the ecstasy of relationships. It’s about love, hope and romance. It’s about breaking boundaries and stereotypes, confronting the past and finding the courage to face the future and daring to dream. She’s unafraid to venture into often “hard to talk about” subjects and writes with the same passion she dedicates to life.


Adriana's books are set in the UK with fleeting visits to Australia and New Zealand. She will say her love of England can be attributed to reading too many Enid Blyton stories as a child and whilst she has “found home” returning to the South Island of New Zealand, she retains a special love and connection to her “second home” England.


Adriana is now a full-time author. When she’s not writing she is admiring the beautiful bird life at her lakeside property, rescuing her garden from poor design and years of rampaging weeds, reading, listening to music, cooking, catching up with friends, enjoying the purring affection from her three Rescue cats, or playing games with her naughty Pug.  

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